Dear Me,…

Hey Christian,

What are you dealing with today?
Was it your job getting you stressed out, or just another long week of life?
I called you Christian because that is what you consider yourself isn’t it?
I know you haven’t forgotten that about yourself, but it’s always good to have a reminder.
Hey, keep this in mind where God says this in His Word in Romans; “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”
Be encouraged that through everything that is happening that He is there with you and loving you all the way.
You know Jesus had a bad day once, well maybe not so much of a bad day but He was irritated by someone.
This story is found in Matthew chapter 4, where Satan comes to tempt Jesus.
I find it most interesting that He was led into the wilderness first before He was tempted.
When I read this, Christian, I see that He was led into a place where our focus is often shifted back on His face.
In the wilderness, or quiet place of worship(in my life), we can be impacted the greatest because the distractions are fewest.
Listen, go often to your wilderness and see His face.
Talk with you sooner, whether you hear me yet or not, I Am speaking.


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